October 15, 2015

Can you reliably underwrite a real estate deal with a computer algorithm?

In this short video, Matthew Sullivan and Tom Braegelmann of Crowdventure.com discuss the importance of experience and the human touch when it comes to selecting real […]
October 9, 2015

5 Reasons Why Real Estate Crowdfunding is the End of the “Country Club” Real Estate Deal Mentality

Real estate investing has always been the game of the rich. The amount of money required to get in on any of these deals has always […]
September 28, 2015

Some Important things to consider about Real Estate Crowdfunding.

Real estate crowdfunding is growing in popularity, not only at home in the United States but globally as well. In the not too distant past, there […]
August 19, 2015

What Crowdfunding Could Mean for Real Estate

Real Estate crowdfunding isn’t lacking for a number of things at the moment. It’s not lacking for platforms, with some 150 currently available through the world (more than […]

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